15 lessons in Leadership

Recently, I’ve had the change to do more free reading on coaching and thanks to Michael Boyle, I was recommended the book Legacy, by James Kerr. This book is about the New Zealand rugby team, the All Blacks, and the customs they practice. Although, they are a rugby team, these customs or rules, can be applied to your own life, business, coaching in pursuit to overall leadership. Below is a quick summary of the 15 lessons in leadership. It’s up to you to seek out more by reading the whole book.


1) Sweep the Sheds-Never be too big to do the small things that need to be done.

2) Go for the Gap-When you’re on top of your game, change your game.

3) Play with Purpose-Ask “Why?”

4) Pass the Ball-Leaders serve others.

5) Create a Learning Environment-Leaders create leaders.

6) No Pricks (the book used a worse term)-Follow the Spearhead.

7) Embrace Expectations-Aim for the highest cloud.

8) Train to Win-Practice under pressure.

9) Keep a Blue Head-Control your attention.

10) Know Thyself-Keep it real.

11) Sacrifice-Find something you would die for and give your life to it.

12) Invent a Language-Sing your world into existence.

13) Ritualize to Actualize-Create a culture.

14) Be a good Ancestor- Plant trees you’ll never see. Leave the “jersey” in a better place.

15) Write your Legacy- This is YOUR time.


Youth Specialization: Pump the Brakes!

*This post is directed to any parent, youth coach, or anybody who has close ties to a youth participating in sports. The purpose of this post is not to dive too much into science or social aspects of sport but to be general and to the point*


During my time as a Soccer coach  in my hometown, I cross paths with many parents and coaches (not just in soccer and not just my hometown) who have their children involved in youth athletics. In my opinion (and science agrees) involvement in athletics at an early age is probably the most important and influential thing you can do for your child. Not to get off topic, but the social, cognitive and motor development that takes place in youth athletics that develop throughout the lifespan provides enough discussion for a college course. To get back to the topic of this post, the problem with youth athletics is when parents and coaches dictate their kid to choose just one sport so they can play just that one sport year round, otherwise known as specialization.


What Does Sport Give Us?


Not to get too deep or too scientific it is necessary to give small background about just two of the many aspect of sports that I find critical in youth development.

Socially speaking, sports allow kids to express themselves to their peers and allow them to meet possible lifelong friends. The majority of kids who continue to play sports growing up develop these close ties with peers that they will establish throughout high school and later in life. In addition, it allows kids to work in team settings, solve problems and overcome barriers....All things that happen in every stage of life. Sports are amazing, and they need to be experienced.


Physically Speaking, there are several domains to dive into that are far beyond the scope of this post. Most importantly, youth athletics, allow kids to develop fundamental motor skills. Research shows there are 22 fundamental motor skills ranging from kicking, throwing, turning, twisting and several more. It is clear to note that Sports and practice obviously reinforces and teaches these skills, some sports more than some. For example, kicking patterns are obviously more prevalent in soccer than baseball, which will have more throwing patterns. None the less, it is still important that our youth is exposed to all of these motor skills.


What Specialization Will Not Give Your Kids


If a child is only exposed to one sport they will miss out on several possible friends and experiences from other sports. Lets not forget, that involvement in multiple sports can increase the amount of fun they have. They're kids, they need a childhood filled with positive and fun memories. In addition, from an athletic standpoint your child will not fully develop into a complete athlete. Not everyone is going to be a great athlete, and even those who are great do not play past high school. However, if you look at the majority of athletes in the pro's or college, I guarantee most of them played several sports growing up, and were exposed to all of the motor development skills.



In my case, I played basketball, football, soccer and ran track and wrestled for a year all before 6th grade. When my one season was over, a new sport started. In my case it wasn't until high school, that I (Myself, not my parents) decided to focus on soccer only, so that I could play in college. As a kid I excelled at soccer the most but I believe if my parents made me play soccer year round at the age of 7, I would have gotten sick of it, and not have been the complete athlete as I am due to other sports.


In addition, specialization typically will lead to overuse injuries. Take a young child who only plays baseball. They only hit/throw to one side & only run around the diamond in one direction. Playing multiple sports can also keep kids injury free.

What The Experts Are Saying

In this link, Highly Respected (My Personal favorite) Strength & Conditioning Coach Michael Boyle simply briefly discusses how our youth shouldn't be forced to play just one sport.


In the fitness field Periodization refers to cycling between workouts, reps, sets etc.. to get new gains. In youth Athletics this should refer to literally hanging up one pair of cleats and picking up the next. What I mean is that when your son or daughter is done with one season, for instance hockey, hang up the skates and get them playing another sport the next season.




In conclusion, we need to look at the sole purpose of youth sports.....FOR KID TO BE KIDS AND HAVE FUN! Obviously, a sports can increase self-confidence, social skills, motor skills,athleticism and so forth but kids don't know about these things, they play sports because sports are fun! It is not up to the parent to decide what sport their child will or will not play, and how long (year wise) they will play that sport. Parents of kids who are just startling in athletics should play a minimum of 2 sports (if not more) year round. As the child grows up they will naturally flow to the sports in which they like and excel at, and drop the sports in which they do not enjoy, but this has to be their decision! In many cases, HS athletes play multiple sports and still go on to play a college sport. Think about it, there have been thousands of professional athletes who played two sports in college and had to make the decision of what sport they wished to pursue.


As a sending off note to parents and coaches, Pump the brakes, allow kids to be kids.