December soccer Focus. Enter the hybrid-season. What is the hybrid season….

To me, its the phase in which MS/HS kids end their school season's and within 1 week enter their club season. They aren't officially in the off-season, nor fully in-season due to less practices, hence the term..hybrid season. It's also a weird transition phase for college athletes. Their seasons are done, and finals week is approaching. Then a 4-6 week winter break will start. That makes it hard to get on a official set program, especially if you don't have set team lifts.

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Keep reading to see my advice depending on your situation. Here my Monthly 5-ways to get ahead.

1-MS/HS Athletes by far NEED to set the foundation for a successful off-season. Consistent training for months > rushing come summer time. That all starts with making plans to train and then showing up! I've been there and know its tough, but it's important to prioritize both training and skill work. My recommendations are 1-2/week for MS athletes, 2-3/week for HS and 2-3/week for HS seniors who have already committed to colleges.

2- College students-Depending on your situation, it will be tough to get on an official program. You just had a week off, have 1 more week then finals then a big winter break. My advice until winter break is to listen to your S&C coach, train 2-3x/week and DO the winter program so you're ready to get after in the spring when you return. Good luck on finals!

3-Stay tuned as this month I will drop a couple ways I differ my training in December between MS, HS and college athletes.

4-Again, the goal during this hybrid season is mainly Volume. I like to utilize a lot of tempos and time under tension to regain form, muscle and general adaptation during the early off-season months.

5-Lastly, I advise you to write down your goals! Theres serious benefits to doing so. We will touch on goal setting advice in future posts but for now, keep it simple and just write something down!

Stay tuned for more monthly breakdowns on training goals. As always, like, comment, tag, share and save this post. Lastly, don't be afraid to reach out for help!